Saturday, January 1, 2011

One Little Word 2011

It's that time again. Time to say goodbye to last year and say hello to a new start. And time to participate in Ali Edwards One Little Word project. This year I've chosen the word intentional.

Why intentional? Sometimes I feel like I live my life by sitting back and letting it happen. I don't want that kind of life. I want to live a life full of meaning. A life with purpose. At times I get a feeling that I should call someone or sit down and write a note. Usually I brush that aside and move on- good intentions, no actions. I want to follow those feelings. To follow up on those good intentions. I want to figure out why I can spend an hour on Facebook with no problem but will put off doing laundry until we are all out of clothes. I want to know the thoughts and feelings behind my actions. I want to live a more intentional life. Care to join me?

Font- CK Ali's Hand

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1 comment:

Lorie said...

Fantabulous blog look and a great word! Intentional is a great word and something for all of us to work on! HUGS and Happy New Year!