Ack! I can't believe he's that old.
I can't believe I'm that old!

Here is the card I made for him. I used the new Crate Paper line, Static. I think this line is very cool. Especially great for "guy stuff".
Alright, I'm going to go cry in the corner now. Ok, not really. I'm just struggling with my baby nephew growing up. I know, lame. Sorry. He's a very special part of our lives and I hope he knows how much he is loved. Gosh, sappy enough for ya? Come back tomorrow, no tears- I promise!
I can't believe he is that old. AHH We went and saw him last night and in my head I just kept thinking who am I kidding he's still 2 with a killer mullet right! What doesn't make it better is thinking taylor is a year behind him!
THat is an awesome card for anyone, but esp. for a guy. I need to find that paper.
Yes, I need that paper, too!
That is too cool!
I know what you mean... my twin nieces will be 18 in September! AKKK! I remember potty training them!
I'm gonna go cry now, too.
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